Sampling site is in the old bathing area of the pond. Water is flowing down from the well and near the pump. Well is about 25ft from the pond. Algae growth in the sampling area and Tilapia swimming. Sedges and grass growing along the edges of the pond. Palm trees also growing around pond. Birds chirping and eating bugs in the air. The skies are clear with a small breeze. Temperature is 84F.
This spring is getting the vegetation back. A lot of monkey flower along the stream watercress. Hanging garden all over the walls for about 40 yards. Nice shade from the willow elm trees.
Tall cattail is about 10 ft tall and growing in and along the trough and overflow. Willow trees also growing and a couple tamarisk. The fence seems to be in good shape. There is a blue trough outside the fence and a pipe going into the spring catchment. The float is broken and the pipe is probably plugged with sediment.
The spring site hasn’t changed much since the last visit. Dead tree branches are in the pond. Several birds seen and heard at the site. Moss growth growing along the walls with the water flowing out of it at several locations. Water flowing out of the pool of water looks around 2 gpm. Nice, cool day and the temperature is about 65F at the site. No sunlight hitting the spring.
The water comes out the wall about 10 ft high and falls into a small pool of water. Moss and hanging garden grow on the same wall the spring water is flowing from. Watercress surround the pool of water. Watercress and willow trees follow the spring flow.
The spring flow is about 10-20 gpm. It flows underground and comes back up. The spring flow is covered by cottonwood trees. Columbine grows along the steam flow. Moss growth is along the stream edges. Birds, cicada, crickets, and dragon flies heard and seen at the spring.
Spring flow is the same as last visit. Spiked rush, grass, watercress grow along the stream. Willow trees grow in the area as well. A Mohave green rattlesnake seen sitting next to steam. Clear skies.
Spring site looks very healthy. Flow is at about 25-30 gpm. Tall grass, arrow weed, coyote willow, and watercress grow along and in the flow. Tree frog seen and dragon flies. The spring is visited often by tourists. Big boulder wedged between two walls and water goes under it.
This spring hasn’t changed a bit. Right off the river. Water boils out from under the spring bowl. Water is greenish yellow. Algae growth on top of spring is yellow-brown.
A lot of saw grass surrounds the site. Nice shade over the spring. Plenty of water. The spring is right after Lava Rapid. The spring makes a pool of water about 5 ft deep. The water is very clear.
Like always, the site had flooding since the last visit sampling at the same spot with a large pool of water between two narrow canyon walls. The water flow sounds like the same. Can’t see it due to the huge boulder wedged between walls. Hot day today. Water striders, boatmen, and beetles in the water. A tree frog was also in the water.
The spring site has been impacted by wild horses. Horses were seen at the spring and the riparian area has been trampled. The flow is about 2 gpm. Hanging garden along with moss are on the wall where the water is running. Quail, tarantula hawk, bees, and dragon flies seen at the spring.
The catchment outside of the cave wasn’t as full as it used to be. No flow over causing outside vegetation to die. Tall, wild grass growing along catchment and right in front of spring cabe. Tall grass growing on the left wall of the spring. Small cedar tree in front of the catchment. Maybe 3 ft tall. Algae growth in catchment, water striders and beetles seen in water. Signs of deer and burros here.
The pool of water in the small cave is very clear. You can see the bottom of the pool which is about 2 ft deep. You can hear and see the water dripping into the pool from the roof of the cave. Water flows out for about 20 yards and no wider than 1.5 ft. Monkey flower, wild grass, and moss growing along the water and on top. Damsel flies, tree frogs, and water striders seen in or around pool. Birds heard around the site.
The spring flow is about 100 gpm. The water is nice and clear and flows down about 100 yards before going under. The dissolved oxygen would not read and kept saying it was out of range. The sample site is about 0.25 miles from the river and has a huge boulder between the narrow canyon walls.